Bellows Spring April
Community Cheetah Chat Newsletter
Hello Bellows Spring families,
We hope you had a wonderful spring break and enjoyed time with your families. It is great to see our students back at Bellows ready to learn today.
March was a busy month and we have a lot to celebrate and share with you. Last month we had a fun session with UMBC for our Bellows GOATS in 4th and 5th grade where male community members came to talk about their careers and set goals with our students.
In addition, we had an engaging parent learning session focused on morning meetings and social emotional learning. Families had the opportunity to learn about our morning /community meetings and participate in the components of the meeting. We will share the powerpoint, resources, and FAQ’s that came up during the session.
We are so proud to share our recognition of being named one of the eight schools in the entire state of Maryland to become a Purple Star School by the state of Maryland. A purple star recognizes public schools that provide strong services and support for military-connected students and their families. Click here to learn all about how we became a purple star school and what this means for our students and families:
April is the Month of the Military Child, which celebrates and honors the resilience, sacrifices, and unique experiences of children in military families. BSES will hold a Military Connected Family Breakfast on April 22nd 9:20-9:50. Active duty, reservist, and veteran parents are invited to attend a special breakfast brunch with your child. There will be an additional session for parents after the breakfast from 9:50-10:20 for parents to share information and network.
We look forward to seeing you at school in the upcoming months. Please read the newsletter below with BSES updates, important dates from now until the end of the year, and community information.
Thank you,
Mrs. Julie Schruefer, Principal
Mrs. Melanie Krablin, Assistant Principal
Mr. Eric Soskil, Leadership Intern
Bellows Spring News
Read Across Bellows Spring
The week of March 4th Bellows Spring celebrated all things reading! Students guessed the book title of famous first lines, read with students in different grade levels and even enjoyed read-alouds from members of our community including police officers, members of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and Dr. Calvin Ball.
5th Grade Families
5th Grade T-Shirt: Please order your shirt.. The deadline is approaching this Wed.. 78 shirts have been purchased.
5th Grade Panoramic: Order your 5th grade class of 2024 picture by clicking the flier: 5th Grade Class of 2024 Picture. Families can order the fifth grade panoramic picture online at using the code: MJ863015T0
BSAP and G/T Summer Institute Enrollment: During the March 7 BOE meeting, the Board of Education voted to fund 50 percent enrollment for the 2024 Black Student Achievement Program Summer Institute and G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development. Online enrollment requests for these programs will open in HCPSS Connect Synergy on April 2 at 6 p.m. and remain open through April 15 at 6 p.m. Enrollment requests do not guarantee placement in summer programs. Please contact the program leads with questions.
BSAP Summer Institute: or 410-313-1598
G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development: or 410-313-6671
It’s Time to Register:
Kindergarten: Families of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2024, should enroll their child in kindergarten or submit a kindergarten waiver. Families can find more information about enrolling children in kindergarten, as well as resources to support kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten waiver, and more on the HCPSS website here:
RECC: The Bellows Spring Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) prekindergarten programs are making preparations for classes for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. These classes include children with and without disabilities. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills in alignment with state prekindergarten standards. Students turning 3 by September 1, 2024 may apply for the Learning Together Program. Applications are available in our front office. Please click here for more information. In alignment with Maryland’s Blueprint for the Future, new applications for students turning 4 by September 1, 2024 will not be available. We encourage families of these students to apply for PreKindergarten (see below). Students turning 4 by September 1, 2024 are encouraged to apply for Prekindergarten. Click here for the 2024-2025 PreK Application. Applications can be emailed to or turned in to our front office. More information on this program can be found here. Please direct any questions to Mary Geiser,
Order Your Spring Pictures:
Class picture code: EVTF3MBGB
Individual picture code: EVT278S4X
Prek pictures:
Gifted and Talented:
*Parents of 3rd graders: CogAT test results will be available after March 23rd and letters pertaining to eligibility for the GT Mathematics program in 4th grade will be mailed out by then. If required, please send back permission forms to Ms. Richman's attention by April 5th.
*We need YOUR caps! Planeteers are at it again as they oversee a second round of plastic cap collection for recycling. During the first-round students collected 13,631 caps which have been recycled into two benches for our playground. Now students are collecting again to make a recycled picnic table. Help us meet our school's goal --- we have one week left to collect any type of hard plastic cap, from milk jugs, medicine bottles, laundry detergent, water bottles, container cups, and more! Please send those ASAP before spring break! With a school as big as ours, only a few caps per student are needed. Here's to a great program --- GO CAPS!
*Students who registered for science fair participation as part of STEM night on April 16th should have received project information via a slide presentation with resource links from Ms. Richman (via Mr. Soskil). Thank you for a successful kick-off night last Tuesday. Now scientists --- start your engines for some science fun. We can't wait to see your research and experiments!
*Congrats to all the creative and hard-working 4th grade young engineers participating in our annual Eggbert Race Day! Thank you to our parent volunteers who helped us as race judges. Awards will be given out this week, and students should bring home their diorama designs before break.
*Stay tuned for more GT-rific news coming up in April with information on Earth Week events, Art NIght environmental displays, installation of our pollinator gardens, endangered species projects, release of our rainbow trout, and more! If you are interested in volunteering with any of our upcoming projects, please contact GT teacher Noel Richman for further details.
Field Day is quickly approaching and we wanted to send home some helpful reminders to make this day a success! Field Day is a FULL DAY event for our students to have fun, move and enjoy the day being active with their peers and adults.
When: Thursday May 23rd (Rain date: Thursday June 6th )
Time on the Field:
Primary (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grade) with classes 9:45 am - 12:00 pm
Intermediate (Grades 3, 4, 5th) 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm
We will need volunteers to help lead small activities for students during our Carnival Portion of Field Day on the Recess Blacktop.
You can sign up online using this link:
Bellows Spring Elementary: BSES Field Day 2024 (
Carnival Times for each Grade Level
Grade Level
5th Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
Dress in comfortable clothing to be active outside
Wear sneakers (Students can not participate in Crocs or sandals)
Bring a labeled water bottle with student name and grade (Water ONLY)
Optional: Hat and/or sunglasses, sunscreen (applied at home)
Lunch will be in the cafeteria (students can bring lunch or buy lunch)
Optional: Extra shirt/shoes to change into after activities if they are wet
Dress in comfortable clothing to be active outside
Wear sneakers
Bring a labeled water bottle your name (Water ONLY)
Optional: Hat and/or sunglasses, sunscreen
School Spirit
To show our school spirit, we would like for students to wear shirts that match the color assigned to their grade. The shirts worn do not have to be solid colors. Colors for each grade are listed below (this is optional):
Grade Level Shirt Color
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
PE Continuation:
Bikes Are Coming to BSES PE!
All 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be riding bikes during PE starting on Monday April 15-May 3rd. Please consider dressing your child in pants that are not wide at the bottom and risk getting caught in the bicycle chain. Of course tennis shoes are still necessary for safe participation in class.
After Spring Break, beginning April 8th, if students would like to bring their own bike helmet to school during this time, they may bring it to school and have the fit adjusted. It also gets students on the bike faster during class which equals more riding time ☺ If you choose to bring your helmet from home, please make sure your child’s name is inside/on the helmet somewhere. Students are responsible for storing their helmet in their backpack while at school. The helmet is the sole responsibility of the student and will not be replaced if it is misplaced.
Students may NOT bring their own bikes for use in PE. Bikes and helmets are provided for all students during class. If your child is unable to ride a two-wheel bike independently, they will get to practice gaining skill on a balance bike (no pedals) until they feel more confident and are ready to try riding using pedals.
Remember that if you ride anything with wheels (scooters, skates or bikes) and are under the age of 16, you must wear a helmet in the state of Maryland. Helmets protect our growing brains while we sharpen our safety skills and have a whole lot of F-U-N!
We will celebrate our bike unit for our school community with Bike/Roll/Walk to School Day on Friday May 3rd in the morning. More details will be sent home soon and this event is optional.
Please contact Mrs. Schultz ( if you have further questions.
Thank you!
Volunteers are needed to help label student water bottles at lunch. We will provide the markers. If you can help label student water bottles please reach out to Mr. Soskil.
Would you be willing to sharpen some pencils at home or at school? This task helps keep students learning and limits classroom distractions. Please reach out to Mr. Soskil if you can assist.
Gift recess games and equipment:
We want to continue to expand our inventory of recess equipment to engage students. Below is a list of games and materials suggested by students. Thank you for your consideration and continued support.Please direct any questions about recess donations to Mr. Soskil.
Happy Spring! With the new season also comes SEASONAL ALLERGIES! Symptoms are:
Itchy eyes, nose and throat.
Runny nose and eyes.
Post nasal drip (drainage in the throat)
If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, please remind them to wash their face and hands when they come inside. If they usually take medication to treat their symptoms or you feel they may benefit from it, it may be a good time to speak with their pediatrician. Please speak with your child(ren) about covering their cough/sneeze and using tissues if their nose is running. We encourage you to send them with their own supply of tissues that they can keep in their desk. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to call Ms. Laura or Ms. Dani in the Health Room at 410-313-5063.
PTA Information Can be Found on their Website:
Parents/Guardians: Sign Up to Volunteer on Art Night (We need your help):
Important Dates Coming Up:
April 2nd Return to School from Spring Break
April 3rd: Last day to purchase the 5th grade T-Shirt
April 9th: End of 3rd Marking Period
April 10th: Schools Closed for Students-Professional Work Day
April 11th: Columbia Mall Art Exhibition, 5-6:30
April 16th -PTA Stem/Science Fair Lego Challenge -new date
April 17: Report Cards Issued @ 4 p.m
April 22nd: 9:20 am Military Connected family Breakfast
April 26 - PTA Art Night
May 22nd: Chorus Concert
May 23rd- Field Day. (Rain Date is June 6th)
May 28th-31st-Career Week
May 30th: Band and Strings Concert at LRHS
End of the School Year-Long Range Dates for Families:
The two final weeks for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:
Monday, June 3 – Regular school day
Tuesday, June 4 – Regular school day
Wednesday, June 5 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day)
Thursday, June 6 – Regular school day
Friday, June 7 – Regular school day
Monday, June 10 – Regular school day
Tuesday, June 11 – Regular school day (Last day for half-day Pre-K/RECC students)
Wednesday, June 12 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day)
Thursday, June 13 – Schools dismiss three hours early
Friday, June 14 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day – Last scheduled day for full-day Pre-K-12 students)
The complete HCPSS academic calendar is available online. This information is subject to change, pending any additional inclement weather.
Community News
Howard County Arts Council 2024 Howie Awards: The Howard County Arts Council seeks nominations from the community each year to honor those who create, teach, and support the arts in Howard County. Nominees are judged on their contributions to and their impact on the artistic life of Howard County through the arts, arts education, and support of the arts. Please see the information regarding the specific award categories included below. The nominations are reviewed, ranked, and selected by the Howie Award Committee and then honored at the annual Celebration of the Arts gala. The Howie Award Nomination deadline is April 8 at 11:59 p.m. Direct questions to Gino Molfino.
Outstanding Artist — presented to a person who has contributed a high level of talent and vision to the artistic life of the community.
Outstanding Arts Educator — presented to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to arts education in Howard County.
Outstanding Community Supporter of the Arts (business or individual) — presented to a business (large or small) or individual that demonstrates a history of commitment to the arts in Howard County.
These special Howie Awards are present at the discretion of the Howie Committee:
Coleen West Leadership in the Arts Award – recognizes an individual for leadership in the arts in Howard County
Legacy in the Arts Award — recognizes an individual or group for lifetime achievements in the arts in Howard County
Howard County: Drug Free parenting Session on April 16th. Read more about it here:
MSDE Parent Survey - Parents of students with IEP's
Please take time to complete the MSDE Parent Survey that was recently mailed to you. This survey provides HCPSS the information about how well we are partnering with you and promoting parent involvement. Your feedback will help guide efforts to improve special education and related services in HCPSS. Please access the survey using this link:
STEM Roots STEM Fair